Scholars have argued that rural outward migration may generate labour shortage and in turn lead to low farm produce and consequently a decline of the rural economy leading to persistent poverty and food insecurity. Thisstudyexamined the 'Effects of Rural Outward Migration on Agricultural Activities in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria.‟ Systematic sampling technique was used to select six wards from the eleven wards that made up the study area. Questionnaire was administered among 400 randomly selected household heads. The descriptive statistics was used to summarize the data into frequency counts, averages and percentages. Also, inferential statistics such as Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to test the hypotheses. The Mann Whitney test for their income level shows that except for those who engage in trading (.000), there is no significant difference in other sources of income between households whose members had migrated and those that did not. It was reported that majority (68.4%) of the migrantsmigrated before the farming season to other northern states mainly to search for better jobs, education and to engage in trading. The Kruskal Wallis test shows a significant variation (0.001) in the number of malesand femalesthat have migrated from the various wards before and during farming periods, and there are significant variation among the various wards as to the number that migrated. Out-migration from the study area were mostly to places within Kaduna and other northern states. All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The effects of outward migration include loss of friends with a mean score (4.50),shortage of labour (4.45) and family break-up (4.22) respectively. On the basis of the findings, the study recommended that to stem the incidence of outward migration, government should establish skill acquisition centres and agricultural processing industries to provide jobs opportunities and the skills needed to be self-employed for the potential migrants. Also, empower farmers with underground water lifting machines as this will revive the declining dry season farming.
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